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#1. What type of material used for the base of a septic tank.

#2. Least efficient, most noisy type but lowest in cost.

#3. When water comes out as soon as the fire sprinkler is activated, the system is.

#4. Flushing is very noisy, expensive and has a low water usage (1.5 gpf) that helps conserve water. Large water surface makes this model efficient and design features make it suitable for residential use.

#5. Expensive, flushing is very noisy and large water surface and large trap way size make this model efficient and suitable for commercial use.

#6. A bathroom containing a water closet and a lavatory.

#7. How many gallons of water for the water closet flushing requirements?

#8. What is used to unclog a toilet?

#9. Efficient but moderately noisy and its reasonably low cost. Most of the bowl surface is covered with water.

#10. How can you differentiate between soil pipe and waste pipe when laid side by side.

#11. Water which undergoes treatment, either physical, biological or chemical means to improve water quality

#12. Model is mostly of one piece construction with low profile, expensive and the large water surface provides a very efficient and clean process and the flushing is extremely quiet.

#13. It is added to water to reduce salinity.

#14. Tap used to measure pressure in a water system.

#15. The lowest portion of the inside top surface of the channel through trap.

#16. Quiet flushing, have moderate cost and most popular residential model

#17. A vent connecting at the junction of two fixture drains and serving as a vent for both fixtures.

#18. Plumbing permit shall be invalid if works not commenced after a period of,
