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#1. Trap size of fixtures for slop sinks (with combine trap).

#2. Trap size of fixtures for pantry or bar.

#3. It is a pipe on the fixture side of the trap through which vapor or foul air is removed from a room fixture.

#4. Sanitary, efficient very quiet. A toilet bowl which the flushing water enters through the rim and siphonic action initiated by a water jet draws the contents of the bowl through the trap way.

#5. A vent that does not serve as drain and is located where it is not exposed to back up of waste from a drainage pipe.

#6. Is a device located at the bottom of the tank for the purpose of flushing water closets and similar fixtures.

#7. Ratio of urinals for elementary schools.

#8. Trap size of fixtures for Urinal (stall)

#9. Minimum discharge pipe and fitting for bathtub.

#10. Is the extended portion of a pipe that is closed at one end to which no connections are made on the extended portion.

#11. Color coding for fuel oil division.

#12. Trap size of fixtures for Bidet.

#13. Install to be able to meet the water requirements during peak demands from a low yielding water well.

#14. An arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe will serve two traps.

#15. Process of flushing, cleaning to remove dirt by the flowing liquid through it.

#16. Wet standpipe for riser more than 15 m.

#17. Another classification of storm drain, besides from inside drain and outside drain.

#18. Trap size of fixtures for Urinals (pedestal).

#19. Trap size of fixtures for bath Shower stall.

#20. Dry standpipe for a riser below 23 m.
