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#1. A short internally threaded (female thread) section of pipe, used to join two pipes of conduits.

#2. The third kind of water after the storm water and area water.

#3. Ratio of water closets for female population for principal worship places.

#4. Trap size of fixtures for Fountain cupsiders.

#5. A branch vent that serves two or more traps and extends from in front of the last fixture connection of a horizontal branch to the vent stack.

#6. Fitting for base or soil stack and building drain.

#7. Noisy but highly efficient. Strong jet into leg forces contents out. Higher pressure required.

#8. Moderately noisy. Similar to siphon jet except that trap passageway and water surface area are smaller.

#9. An underground structure for drainage into which water from the roof or floor will drain through sewer.

#10. Quiet, extremely sanitary. Like the siphon jet but having the flushing water directed through the rim to create a vortex that scours the bowl.

#11. Ratio of water closets for male population for elementary and secondary school.

#12. Piping which shall not be installed under or within 2 ft (0.6m) at any building or structure is? ? PSME Code 1001.

#13. An underground tank reservoir to store water.

#14. Trap size of fixtures for Floor drain.

#15. The length along the center of the pipe and fitting.

#16. A vent connecting at the junction of two fixture drains and serving as a vent for both fixtures a single vent that ventilates multiple traps, in the case of back to back fixture.

#17. Trap size of fixtures for Laundry trays.

#18. A U-shaped pipe filled with water and located beneath the plumbing fixtures to form a seal against the passages of gases and odors.

#19. It is permitted that a branch soil or waste pipe to which two and more than 8 water closets, pedestal urinals, trap standard slop sinks, or shower stall are connected in a series.

#20. Trap size of fixtures for Fountain cupsiders.

#21. The extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest horizontal drain connected to the stack horizontal drain, the uppermost end above the roof.
