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#1. Minimum cost. Least efficient subject to clogging, noisy. Simple washout and emptying through small irregular passage way, prohibited by some health codes.

#2. Trap size of fixtures for Sinks (Dishwashers).

#3. Includes water supply and distribution pipe; plumbing fixture and traps, soil, waste and vent pipes; house drain and house sewers including their respective connections.

#4. Trap size of fixtures for Drinking Fountain.

#5. Is the backflow of used, contaminated or polluted water from a plumbing fixture due to negative pressure.

#6. A passage under a road, embankment or canal which allow for the flow of water.

#7. Trap size of fixtures for Urinals (through).

#8. Color coding of high pressure steam.

#9. Trap size of fixtures for Combination Fixture.

#10. Is the lowest portion of the inside of any pipe or conduit that is not vertical.

#11. A short length of pipe with threads at each end; used to join couplings or fittings.

#12. Trap size of fixtures for Wash basin.

#13. A pipe connecting upward from a soil and waste stack to a vent stack for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the stack.

#14. A valve which in the water flow is shut off by a flat disk that is screwed down onto its seat.

#15. A pipe installed to vent, a fixture trap and which connects with the vent system above the fixture served or terminates in the open air.

#16. A trench containing course aggregate and a distribution tile pipe through which septic tank effluent may flow covered with earth.

#17. Trap size of fixtures for Water closets.

#18. Ratio of water closets for female population for elementary and secondary school.

#19. The luminous flux density incident on a surface.

#20. Trap size of fixtures for slop sinks (ordinary).
