Chapter 1: Administration



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#1. When should a request for inspection be filed according to Section 105.4 of the Plumbing Code?

#2. What is the expiration period of a plumbing permit according to Section 103.4?

#3. Who can perform inspections of plumbing systems?

#4. What is the requirement for sanitary facilities in buildings according to Section 108 of the Plumbing Code?

#5. When can the Administrative Authority suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this Code?

#6. What should the plans and specifications indicate in detail?

#7. Who can install connections to any water supply line, sewer or storm drain systems as required by the Plumbing Code?

#8. Which of the following is NOT required to be filed by an applicant for a plumbing permit?

#9. Who should file an application for a permit on behalf of the building owner?

#10. What must be ensured when making additions, alterations or repairs to an existing plumbing system?

#11. According to the Plumbing Law, who should be enlisted to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Code?

#12. What happens when the holder of a partial permit proceeds at his own risk without assurance that the final permit for the entire building, structure or plumbing system will be granted?

#13. What is the purpose of temporary connections of plumbing equipment to the water supply main, sewer main, power line and gas main according to Section 106.2 of the Plumbing Code?

#14. According to the Code, who should sign and seal the application for a permit?

#15. Who should secure a seal for plumbing applications for permits and plumbing plans according to Section 107.1 of the Plumbing Code?

#16. What is required before doing any plumbing or drainage work for which a permit is required?

#17. When can re-inspection fees be charged according to Section 105.6.1 of the Plumbing Code?

#18. Who can be issued a permit to do plumbing work regulated by the Code?

#19. How many sets of plans and specifications should be submitted with each application for a permit?

#20. How many sets of approved plans, specifications, and data are required to be returned to the applicant and owner?

#21. What information should be provided in the application for a permit?

#22. What is the purpose of the Plumbing Law?

#23. What is a Partial Permit according to Section 103.1.3?

#24. Who is responsible for providing access and means for proper inspection of plumbing work according to Section 105.4 of the Plumbing Code?

#25. Who should prepare, sign, and seal all plumbing plans, drawings, diagrams, and technical specifications?

#26. What is required to be paid in case of the renewal of a plumbing permit?

#27. What happens when the Administrative Authority finds that the work described in an application for permit and the plans, specifications and other documents filed therewith conform to the requirements of the Plumbing Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances?

#28. What does the Administrative Authority do when issuing a permit according to Section 103.1.2?

#29. What is the requirement for inspections of plumbing systems as stated in Section 105 of the Plumbing Code?

#30. What is the requirement for operation of plumbing equipment as stated in Section 105.2 of the Plumbing Code?

#31. What is the process for obtaining a plumbing permit according to Section 103?

#32. What happens if the plumbing work authorized in a permit is not commenced within one year from the date of such permit or is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been commenced for a period of 120 days?


Plumbing Permit Requirements According to the National Building Code

Chapter I: Administration

Section 1: Permit Required To ensure compliance with the provisions of the National Building Code, a Registered and Licensed Master Plumber must be enlisted in accordance with Republic Act No. 1378, also known as the “Plumbing Law.” It is illegal for any person, firm, or corporation, acting as a principal, servant, agent, or employee, to perform any plumbing or drainage work that requires a permit without first obtaining a permit from the Office of the Building Official under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Interior and Local Government, or City Mayors.

Section 2: To Whom Permits May Be Issued No permit shall be issued to any person, firm, or corporation to perform any plumbing work regulated by this Code, except to a Registered and Licensed Master Plumber holding a valid, unexpired, and unrevoked certificate of registration as required by Republic Act No. 1378, as amended.

Section 102: Application for Permit 102.1 Application A Registered and Licensed Master Plumber shall file an application with the Office of the Building Official on behalf of the building owner for whom the work will be done and fill out the provided forms. Every application shall:

102.1.1 Identify and describe the plumbing work to be covered by the permit for which an application is made.

102.1.2 Describe the land upon which the proposed plumbing work is to be done, including the legal description, street address, or similar description that will readily identify and locate the proposed building or work.

102.1.3 Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed plumbing work is intended.

102.1.4 Be accompanied by plans, drawings, diagrams, computations, technical specifications, and other data required in Subsection 102.2.

102.1.5 Provide the data and information required by the Administrative Authority.

102.1.6 Be signed by the owner or permittee, who must submit evidence to indicate such authority.

102.1.7 Be signed and sealed by the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber.

102.2 Plans and Specifications All plumbing plans, drawings, diagrams, design analyses/computations as required, technical specifications, bills of materials, and other required documents for all types of occupancy shall be prepared, signed, and sealed by a Registered and Licensed Master Plumber pursuant to Republic Act 1378, as amended. Six sets of the aforementioned requirements shall be submitted with each application for a permit.

102.3 Information on Plans and Specifications All plans and specifications must be drawn to scale on tracing paper or cloth and of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature, and extent of the proposed work. They should show in detail the conformance with the provisions of this Code, relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The technical specifications submitted shall comply with the provisions of existing standards of the National Building Code and this Code.


103.1 – Application and Review The Administrative Authority shall review the application, plans, technical specifications, and other required documents submitted by an applicant for a permit. Other concerned departments may also review the plans to verify compliance with applicable laws. If the Administrative Authority finds that the work described in the application and plans, specifications, and other documents filed conform to the requirements of the Plumbing Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and upon payment of the fees specified in Section 105, a permit shall be issued to the applicant.

103.1.2 – Approval of Plans When the Administrative Authority issues the permit, the plans and specifications shall be endorsed in writing or stamped as “APPROVED.” Such approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization from the Administrative Authority. All work shall be done in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

103.1.3 – Partial Permit The Administrative Authority may issue a Partial Permit for the construction of a part of a large and/or complicated plumbing system before the entire plans and specifications for the whole system have been submitted or approved. This is provided that adequate information and detailed statements have been filed, complying with all pertinent requirements of this Code. The holder of such a partial permit may proceed at their own risk without assurance that the final permit for the entire building, structure, or plumbing system will be granted.

103.2 – Retention of Plans One set of approved plans, specifications, computations, and related data shall be retained by the Administrative Authority. Two sets of approved plans, specifications, and data shall be returned to the applicant and owner, one of which shall be kept at the job site at all times while the work is in progress.

103.3 – Validity of Permit The issuance of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed as a permit to violate any provision of this Plumbing Code or any other applicable ordinances. The issuance of a permit based on submitted plans, specifications, or other documents shall not prevent the Administrative Authority from requiring the correction of errors on said plans, specifications, and other documents and from stopping an ongoing plumbing installation violative of this Code or of other pertinent ordinances of this jurisdiction.

103.4 – Expiration and Renewal A plumbing permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire and become null and void if the plumbing work authorized therein is not commenced within one year from the date of such permit or if the plumbing work so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been commenced for a period of 120 days. In case of renewal of a plumbing permit, a fee equivalent to one-half the amount of the original fee shall be paid.

Raised National Code Section 103.5 – Suspension or Revocation The Administrative Authority may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this Code if issued in error or based on incorrect information or in violation of relevant ordinances, rules, and regulations.


104.1 Additions, Alterations, or Repairs Additions, alterations, or repairs may be made to any existing plumbing system, provided they conform to the requirements for a new plumbing system. Such additions, alterations, or repairs shall not render the existing system unsafe, unsanitary, or overloaded.

104.2 Changes in Building Occupancy Plumbing systems that are part of any building or structure undergoing a change in use or occupancy, as defined in the National Building Code, shall comply with all the requirements of this Code applicable to the changed use or occupancy.

104.3 Maintenance All plumbing systems, materials, and appurtenances, both existing and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in proper operating condition. All devices or safeguards required by this Code shall be maintained in conformance with the existing Code edition at the time the plumbing system was installed. The owner or their designated agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of plumbing systems. To determine compliance with this subsection, the Administrative Authority may cause the re-inspection of any plumbing system.

104.4 Moved Buildings Plumbing systems that are part of buildings or structures in one place and moved into another jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this Code for new installation.

Section 105 INSPECTIONS 105.1

General All plumbing systems for which permits are required by this Code shall be inspected by the Administrative Authority. No portion of any plumbing system shall be concealed until inspected and approved. The Administrative Authority or their representative shall not be liable for expenses incurred in the removal and replacement of materials required to warrant proper inspection. When the installation of a plumbing system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Plumbing systems regulated by this Code shall not be connected to the water and energy fuel supplies nor to the sewer system until authorized by the Administrative Authority and other agencies concerned. All Administrative Plumbing Personnel Plumbing Inspectors shall be a Registered and Licensed Master Plumber in accordance with the provision of Republic Act 1378, otherwise known as the “Plumbing Law.”

105.2 Operation of Plumbing Equipment The requirements of this Section do not prohibit the operation or use of any plumbing accessory installed to replace existing equipment or fixtures serving an occupied portion of the building when a request for inspection of such equipment or fixtures has been filed with the Administrative Authority not more than 72 hours after such replacement work is completed and before any portion of such plumbing system is concealed by any permanent portion of the building.

105.3 Testing of Systems

All plumbing systems shall be tested and approved as required by this Code or the Administrative Authority.

105.4 Inspection Requests

It shall be the duty of the person doing the plumbing work authorized by a permit to notify the Administrative Authority that such work is ready for inspection. The Administrative Authority requires that every request for inspection be filed at least three (3) working days before such inspection is intended. Such request shall be in writing and jointly signed by the Owner and the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber-Contractor.

It shall be the duty of the person requesting inspections required by this Code to provide access to and means for proper inspection of such work, as well as provide all the equipment, tools, power, and water required for the test.

105.5 Other Inspections

In addition to the inspections required by this Code, the Administrative Authority may require other inspections of the plumbing work to comply with other provisions of this Code, other pertinent laws, and ordinances enforced by the Administrative Authority.

105.6 Reinspections

105.6.1 A fee will be charged to the Applicant for each inspection or re-inspection when a portion of the plumbing work for inspection is called for is not completed.

105.6.2 This provision shall not be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees for the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this Code, but as a deterrent on the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection.

105.6.3 Re-inspection fees shall be charged when the approved plans are not readily available to the Inspector, for failure to provide access and facility on the date when the inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the Administrative Authority.

105.6.4 To obtain a re-inspection, the Applicant shall file an application, in writing, on a form furnished for that purpose and pay the re-inspection fee.

105.6.5 In instances where re-inspection fees have been assessed, but pending payment of required fees, no re-inspection of the work will be performed.


106.1 Permanent Connections

No person shall install connections to any water supply line, sewer, or storm drain systems as required by this Code and for which other applications and permits are also required from other Agencies before approval by the Administrative Authority.

106.2 Temporary Connections

The Administrative Authority will endorse to other authorities or government agencies the issuance of temporary connections of the plumbing equipment to the water supply main, sewer main, power line, and gas main for the purpose of testing the equipment.


107.1 All Licensed Master Plumbers registered in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 1378 shall secure for themselves a seal of the standard size and type as required. The same shall be used on all plumbing applications for permits and all plumbing plans prepared by Registered and Licensed Master Plumbers as well as on all documents required in the practice of their profession. The seal shall be round in shape and shall be inscribed with the following:

107.1.1 Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at the upper portion of the round seal.

107.1.2 Name of Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at the upper center.

107.1.3 The registration number shall appear at the center below the name.

107.1.4 Philippines, appearing at the lower portion of the round seal.


Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities in accordance with the best practice for the mobility of disabled persons as provided in the National Building Code of the Philippines or by other government departments having jurisdiction.