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#1. It is a series of equal payments occurring at equal intervals of time where the first payment is made after several periods, after the beginning of the payment. How do you call this payment?

#2. Which of the following is true regarding the minimum attractive rate of return used in judging proposed investments?

#3. A polygon with twelve sides is known as:

#4. It is a type of polygon in which each interior angle must be less than or equal to 180°, and all vertices ‘point outwards’ away from the interior. How do you call this polygon?

#5. A prefix denoting a multiple of ten times any of the physical units of the system international.

#6. The father of plane geometry.

#7. When two planes intersect with each other, the amount of divergence between the two planes is expressed by measuring the:

#8. What is a borrower of a particular loan almost always required to do during repayment?

#9. Which of the following situations has a conventional cash flow so that an internal rate of return can be safely calculated and used?

#10. Which of the following does not affect owner’s equity?
