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#1. . What is a number, which could not be expressed as a quotient of two integers?

#2. This law in electrical circuits state, “The algebraic sum of all voltages around a closed path (or loop) is zero”. How do you call this law?

#3. What do you call a triangle having three unequal sides?

#4. The sum of all the costs incurred by the originators of the project up to the time that the promoters of the project accept the project is known as:

#5. How do you call the opposite of the prefix nano?

#6. The process of one substance mixing with another because of molecular motion is known as:

#7. Those cost that arise at the result of a change in operations or policy or it is the ratio of a small increment cost and a small increment of output.

#8. In electricity, how do you call the rate of charge flow?

#9. A change in position, specified by a length and a direction is said to be:

#10. This law in electrical circuits states, “The algebraic sum of currents entering a node (or a closed boundary) is zero”. How do you call this law?
